Contamos con numerosos vestidos de fiesta, todos ellos pieza única en todo el país. Además trabajamos mano a mano con diseñadores que desde su atelier nos proponen creaciones o modificaciones para cada clienta.
(507) 263-5440 / 263-8212
Calle 54 Este. Casa 10, Ciudad de Panamá.
Gaudí Novias, Todos los derechos reservados 2018.
Sitio web desarrollado en MGPanel por MiGuayaba.
Esta página web utiliza Google Analytics, un servicio analítico web proporcionado por Google, Inc. ("Google“). Google Analytics utiliza las llamadas “cookies”, archivos de texto que se instalan en el ordenador y que hacen posible el análisis del comportamiento de los usuarios en Internet. La información que genera la cookie acerca del uso que realiza el usuario de la página web se transmite y se almacena generalmente en los servidores de Google de Estados Unidos. En caso de activar la opción de IP anónima en la página web, la dirección IP no aparecerá completa dentro de los países de la Unión Europea o en los demás países que así lo hayan acordado dentro del espacio económico de la Unión Europea. Solo excepcionalmente se transmitirá la dirección IP completa a un servidor de Google en Estados Unidos y una vez allí se acortará. Únicamente con autorización del usuario de la página, Google utilizará esta información con el fin de valorar el comportamiento del usuario en la página web, generar informes sobre las actividades de la web y ofrecer al dueño de la página servicios relacionados con el uso web y de Internet. La dirección IP transmitida por su navegador en el marco de Google Analytics no se asociará con otros datos de Google. El usuario puede evitar el almacenamiento de cookies configurando el navegador correspondientemente de manera que no se almacenen las cookies. Esta configuración puede afectar a la plena funcionalidad de la página web. Con el uso de esta web, el usuario está de acuerdo con el procesamiento de datos por Google de la forma anteriormente mencionada. El usuario también puede evitar el registro de los datos generados por las cookies y de los relacionados al uso de la página web (incluída la dirección IP), así como el procesamiento de los mismos descargando e instalando el siguiente plugin para el navegador disponible a través de este link:
Puede desactivar el uso de datos de Google Analytics haciendo clic en este enlace.
A continuación, se activará una Opt-Out-Cookie que bloqueará el uso de sus datos al visitar esta página web.Usted ha rechazado el almacenamiento de datos mediante Google Analytics en esta página web.
Más información acerca de los términos y condiciones de uso y política de privacidad en las condiciones de uso de Google Analytics o en las condiciones generales de Google Analytics. Ten en cuenta que en esta página el código de Google analytics incluye la etiqueta “gat._anonymizeIp();”, que asegura la recolección de direcciones IP de manera anónima (máscara de IP).
Utilizamos el servicio reCAPTCHA de Google Inc. (Google) para proteger los datos enviados a través de los formularios de las páginas de nuestros usuarios. Este servicio permite diferenciar los datos enviados por personas de los mensajes automatizados y supone la transmisión de la dirección IP y otros datos requeridos por Google para el uso del servicio reCAPTCHA. Con tal finalidad, los datos serán transmitidos a Google para poder ser utilizados. La dirección IP será encriptada por Google en los estados miembros de la Unión Europea así como en los estados asociados al espacio económico europeo. Solo en algunos casos excepcionales, las direcciones IP serán transmitidas al servidor de Google en los Estados Unidos para su encriptación. En nombre del propietario de este sitio web, Google va a utilizar estas informaciones para evaluar el uso del servicio por parte de los usuarios. La dirección IP transmitida por reCAPTCHA se mantendrá separada de otros datos de Google. Para estos datos es válida la política de privacidad de Google. Todos los detalles acerca de la política de privacidad de Google se pueden leer en la página
Al utilizar el servicio reCAPTCHA, el usuario consiente el tratamiento de los datos sobre él de los que Google dispone en la forma y propósitos arriba establecidos.
With this cookie policy, we would like to inform you about the use of cookies or similar storage technologies (hereinafter “cookies”) on our websites.
Cookies are small text files that are stored by your browser on your device to save certain information or image files, such as pixels. The next time you visit our website on the same device, the information saved in the cookies will subsequently be transmitted either to our website (“First Party Cookie”) or to another website to which the cookie belongs (“Third Party Cookie”).
Through the information saved and returned, the respective website recognizes that you have already accessed and visited it with the browser you use on that device. We use this information to be able to design and display the website in an optimum way in line with your preferences.
In that respect, only the cookie itself is identified on your device. Beyond this extent, your personal data will only be saved upon your express consent or if it is strictly necessary to be able to use the service offered to and accessed by you accordingly.
Cookies that are not absolutely necessary to make the services available on our website are only used when we receive your consent. As soon as you actively use our website by continuing to use our website after the cookie banner has been displayed, you consent to the use of cookies.
You can, of course, customize your cookie settings at any time, for example by activating or deactivating individual cookie categories.
You can find out how to deactivate or delete cookies in general (i.e. including the essential cookies) in your browser can be found under the last point this Cookie Policy.
We divide the cookies we use into the following categories based on their purpose and function:
Strictly necessary cookies guarantee functions without which you cannot use our web pages and service as intended. These cookies are used exclusively by us and are therefore first party cookies. This means that all information stored in the cookies will be returned to our website.
Strictly necessary cookies serve, for example, to ensure that you as a registered user always remain logged in when accessing various subpages of our website and thus do not have to re-enter your login data every time you access a new page.
The following strictly necessary cookies are used on our website:
Name | Purpose | Term |
ckies_functional | Store option if functional cookies are enabled | 1 year |
ckies_marketing | Store option if marketing cookies are enabled | 1 year |
ckies_performance | Store option if performance cookies are enabled | 1 year |
The use of strictly necessary cookies on our website is possible without your consent. For this reason, strictly necessary cookies cannot be activated or deactivated individually. However, you can deactivate cookies in your browser at any time.
The legal basis for the use of these first party cookies is our legitimate interest (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our website and services) within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).
Functionality cookies enable our website to store information already provided (such as registered name or language selection) and to offer you improved and more personalized functions based on this information. These cookies collect and store only anonymous information so that they cannot track your movements on other websites.
The following functional cookies are used on our website:
Name | Purpose | Term |
cookielaw | Store information if cookie banner was dismissed | 1 year |
shd | Will be set during the login process | 1 year |
You can opt out of using Functional Cookies at any time by adjusting your Cookie Settings accordingly.
Performance cookies collect information about how our websites are used in order to improve their attractiveness, content and functionality. These cookies help us, for example, to determine whether and which subpages of our website are visited and in which content users are particularly interested. In particular, we record the number of visits to a page, the number of subpages accessed, the time spent on our website, the order of the pages visited, which search terms led you to us, the country, region and, if applicable, the city from which access is made, and the proportion of mobile devices accessing our websites. The IP address of your computer transmitted for technical reasons is automatically made anonymous and does not allow us to draw any conclusions about the individual user.
The Jimdo user also has the right to object to the processing of personal data that is used for statistical purposes in accordance with Art. 89 para. 1 GDPR for reasons that arise from the particular situation of the user in question. In order to exercise the aforementioned and other data subject rights, the affected party may, at any time, contact Jimdo via the contact address provided below.
The following Performance cookies are used on our website:
Name | Purpose | Term |
You can opt out of using Performance Cookies at any time by adjusting your Cookie Settings accordingly.
Marketing cookies come from third party cookies and are used to gather information about the websites visited by the user in order to create targeted advertising for the user.
The following marketing cookies are used on our website:
Name | Purpose | Term |
__utma | Jimdo statistics (Google Analytics) | 2 years |
__utmb | Jimdo statistics (Google Analytics) | 1 day |
__utmc | Jimdo statistics (Google Analytics) | Session |
__utmz | Jimdo statistics (Google Analytics) | 6 months |
__utmt_b | Jimdo statistics (Google Analytics) | 1 day |
You can withdraw your consent to the use of consent based- Marketing cookies individually at any time with effect for the future by adjusting your Cookie Settings accordingly.
Due to the described uses (see § 6. a.), the legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies is set out in Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. Where the Jimdo user / visitor has given us consent to the use of cookies on the basis of a notice given by us on our websites (“cookies banner”), the legality of the use is additionally governed by Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a GDPR.
You can set your web browser in such a way that cookies are generally prevented from being saved to your device and/or that you are asked each time whether you are in agreement with cookies being enabled. You can also at any time delete cookies that have been enabled again. You can find out how all this works in detail from your browser’s help function.
For the web browsers Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome you can find an explanation in words and with pictures under the following link:
Please note that generally deactivating cookies may lead to functional restrictions of our website.